“My art is material evidence of my search for meaning.”

Monika Morgenstern creates work around the visual representation of the numinous, with a specific focus on colour, perception, and phenomenology. Intrigued by the notion of the ineffable, she delves deeply into the realm of undefinable complex emotions, striving to forge a psychological and visceral connection with the audience. Monika believes we stand on the brink of significant social and political transformation, prompting a need for the contemporary reinvention of the mystical.

Morgenstern’s work takes shape in material experiments, and color-based meditations and she is known for her exploration of colour as a mystical material.

As an artist Monika hopes to create immersive opportunities of seeing; visual encounters in which viewers lose themselves and slow down the process of perception. Her practice, rooted in abstract/minimalist aesthetics aims to provoke, visually, the search for meaning through contemporary art.

Interview with the Artist SALA 2023

Interiewed by Steph Fuller 2023
Episode Description: In this episode Steph Fuller and myself talk about the overarching theme of mysticism and what kind of materials I am using to explore the intangible. We discusas spiritual moments in my life, from childhood awe in Europe’s Cathedrals, to the natural splendour of Direl (Lake Tyrrell) in Victoria/Australia.

Interview with the Artist 2021

Interiewed by Kimberley Franklin 2021
Episode Description: What is art?  Portraits on canvas?  Landscapes?  Something a little more avant-garde? Monika Morgenstern's works are all about colour and movement.  They're not just something to look at - they're an experience. This week Monika talks about her art and how it's evolved and changed from the days when she was a self taught painter to today, when she is part of the 2021 SALA Festival.